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P&M – Packaged & modular substations
The P&M electrical substation is generally manufactured in steel profile and corrugated sheets completely welded, endowed with certified insulation spread also to doors and openings for fire resistance (when needed) and IP degree to satisfy any harsh environmental condition from very high to very low temperature, or marine application.
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Main features of P&M are:
- Plug-and-play solution: all systems are completely engineered, produced and tested (in accordance with QA protocols) by CEAR, in order to meet all customer requirements and to save time and costs during erection and commissioning./li>
- Installation onshore and offshore(Fixed platforms, Jack-up drilling rigs, Drillship, Spar Platforms)
- Design for installation in safe and hazardous area- zone 1-2 with a certification Ex p, if requested
- Blast proof resistance structure can be provided, to respond to criteria for different zones of the plant
- Dimensions and equipment shall be designed in order to respect the customer specification/li>
- Modularity of the cabins to allow an easy transportation on site

The technological systems of P&M
The technological systems, designed in standard or Explosion proof Execution, complete the substation:
- HVAC system: available also with backup system, type roof top, wall mounted, split system, chosen in consideration of environmental condition and design needed
- Pressurization and Air filtration systems
- F&G system: NFPA rules – with Inergen, CO2 or FM200 gas; possibility to develop the system as per UL standard and certified SIL2 and SIL3
- ESD system
- Auxiliary systems
- Security, IT and TELECOMS devices
- Exd Electrical System for Battery room (if needed)
Advantages of the P&M electrical substation
- Rapid connection to the grid: It enables to energize without request for building permits, both for temporary facilities and permanent plants
- Completely tested in our Workshop before delivery
- Manpower cost and time reduction for the installation on site
- Assurance of the same safety performances of prefabricated concrete cabins
This modular building solution can meet various applications:
- Power transformer substation
- Process Automation and controls
- Pipeline power feeding, communication and control
- Local Equipment Room (L.E.R.)
- Package E&I and MCC room
- Rotating equipment housing